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Indiana Jones trilogy - Cue Titles and fan-made recordings


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This thread originally began as as a place where I debuted for the board John Williams' original cue titles for Temple of Doom, but has grown to become a place where the cue titles and sheet music for all three of the original Indiana Jones films is being discussed.

In addition, several members have begun to make their own recordings of cues that were written but either never recorded, or possibly recorded but not used in the movie or heard on any CD releases.

I'll try to update this post when I can to have links to all the posted music files in this thread. Here's what we got at last update of this post:

Temple Of Doom:

The Last Crusade

I have also made this spreadsheet that contains much information from the cue sheets, including who orchestrated each cue, and some date information


Last but not least, here's the cue lists themselves!


  1. 1m1 In The Jungle
  2. 1m2 The Cave
  3. 1m3 The Rolling Ball
  4. "1m3 Insert" - unofficial slate number / title, sheet music has not leaked
  5. 2m2 Flight To Freedom
  6. 3m1 The Book
  7. 3m2 Thinking Of Marion
  8. 3m3 To Tibet
  9. 3m4/4m1 The Medallion
  10. 4m2 To Cairo
  11. 4m5/5m1 Escape In The Alleys
  12. 5m3 Poisoned Dates
  13. 5m5/6m1 Don't Touch That
  14. 6m2 Discovering The Seriph
  15. 6m3 Reunion In The Tent
  16. 7m1 The Floor That Moves
  17. 7m2/8m1 Uncovering The Arc
  18. 8m2 Marion Into The Pit
  19. 8m3 Escaping The Pit
  20. 8m3 Fix
  21. "8m3 Fix Alternate" - unofficial slate number / title, sheet music has not leaked
  22. 8m5 Pffist Fight
  23. 9m1 Indie In Pursuit
  24. 9m1A Truck Chase
  25. 9m1B Indie's Feats
  26. 10m4 En Bateau
  27. 10m5 The German Sub
  28. 10m6 The Nazi Hideout
  29. 11m1 Indy Rescues The Ark
  30. 11m2/12m1 The Miracle Of The Arc
  31. n/a End Credits Part 1
  32. n/a End Credits Part 2 (Raiders March) - unofficial title, handwritten manuscript version has not leaked


  1. 1m1 High Life In Hong Kong (26 bars)
  2. 1m2 Anything Goes (40 bars)
  3. 1m2a Anything Goes - Part II (64 bars)
  4. 1m3 Anything Playoff (10 bars)
  5. 1m4 A Tribute To Vernon (36 bars)
  6. 1m5 Indy Negotiates (99 bars)
  7. 1m6 Once In A Vial (109 bars) - Note to overlay 1m6a from bars 38 to 67
  8. 1m6a Once In A Vial (Dance Orchestra) (30 bars) - Overlays bars 38-67 of 1m6
  9. 1m7/2m1 Through Chinatown (159 bars) - Note to overlap next cue on bar 158
  10. 2m2 Out Of Fuel (115 bars)
  11. 2m2 Insert 1 (2 bars) - Replaces bars 14 and 15 of 2m2, was recorded with 2m2
  12. 2m2 Insert 2 (2 bars) - Replaces bars 78 & 79 of 2m2, was recorded with 2m2
  13. 2m2 Revised Map Extension (21 bars) - Replaces bars 8-28 of 2m2
  14. 2m2a Bar 34 Insert (4 bars) - Replaces bars 33-36 of 2m2
  15. 2m2b Bar 76 Insert (6 bars) - Replaces bars 76-82 of 2m2
  16. 2m3 Down The Snowbank (106 bars)
  17. 2m3a Down The Snowbank (New Intro) (19 bars) - Replaces bars 1-4 of 2m3, was recorded with 2m3
  18. 2m3b Snowbank Sweetener (2 bars) - Not used
  19. 2m4 The Indian Village (28 bars)
  20. 3m1 The Old Priest's Tale (61 bars)
  21. 3m1 Revised The Old Priest (63 bars)
  22. 3m2 The Child Returns (50 bars)
  23. 3m2a Alternate Beginning (8 bars) - Replaces first 8 bars of 3m2
  24. 3m3/4m1 The Elephant Ride (94 bars)
  25. 4m2 The Scroll (27 bars)
  26. 4m3 To Pankot Palace (83 bars)
  27. "4m3 Insert" - unofficial slate number / title, sheet music has not leaked
  28. "4m4 Pankot Palace Source #1" - unofficial slate number / title, sheet music has not leaked
  29. 5m1 Entrance Of The Boy King (10 bars) - Not Used
  30. 5m1x The Emperor's Entrance (18 bars)
  31. 5m2 "Pankot Palace Source Music #2" - unofficial title, sheet music has not leaked
  32. 5m2a The First Supper (154 bars)
  33. 5m2b Exchange Of Glances (7 bars) - Not Used
  34. 5m3 Nocturnal Activities (96 bars) - Note "See strangler" at bar 95
  35. 5m4/6m1 Strangle Hold (93 bars)
  36. 6m2 The Inner Chamber (67 bars)
  37. 6m3 The Walls Come Down (126 bars)
  38. 7m1 Sanskrit Sacrifice (85 bars)
  39. 7m1a Sacrifice Sweetener (61 bars)
  40. 7m1d Percussion Sweetener - One (3 bars)
  41. 7m2 More Sacrifice (47 bars)
  42. 7m2d Percussion Sweetener - Two (2 bars)
  43. 7m3 Approaching The Stones (67 bars)
  44. 7m3d Percussion Sweetener - Three (2 bars)
  45. 7m4/8m1 Slave Children (57 bars)
  46. 7m4/8m1 Insert (4 bars) - Replaces bars 55-57 of 7m4/8m1
  47. 8m2 Moloram's Speech (47 bars)
  48. 8m3 The Evil Potion (66 bars)
  49. 9m1 Short Round Escapes (71 bars)
  50. 9m1x Sacrifice Continued (24 bars)
  51. 9m2 Willy In The Fryer (52 bars) - First 22 bars not used
  52. 9m3 Saving Willy (128 bars)
  53. 9m7/10m1 Crusade Of The Slave Children (81 bars)
  54. 10m2 Short Round Helps Out (35 bars)
  55. 10m3 Indy Takes Charge (141 bars)
  56. 10m4/11m1 Mine Car Chase (150 bars) - Note "Begin as Mine Car Lands Back On Track" at bar 92
  57. 11m1 Water Music (71 bars) - First 6 bars not used
  58. 11m1 Insert (9 bars) - Replaces bars 27-31 of 11m1
  59. 11m2 The Sword Trick (39 bars)
  60. 11m3 "The Rope Bridge" - unofficial title, sheet music has not leaked
  61. 11m4 The Broken Bridge (135 bars)
  62. 11m5/12m1 British Relief (39 bars)
  63. 12m2 Finale (108 bars)
  64. 12m5 End Credits (142 bars) - Note to "Overlap bar 142 with Raiders March bars 109-end"


  1. 1m1 Native American Chant (source music) - not by Williams
  2. 1m2 "Main Titles" - unofficial title, sheet music has not leaked
  3. 1m3 "Stealing The Cross" - unofficial title, sheet music has not leaked
  4. 1m4/2m1 "Escape From The Train" - unofficial title, sheet music has not leaked
  5. 1m4/2m1x Sweetener (6 bars)
  6. 2m2 The Boat Scene (63 bars)
  7. 2m3/3m1 Sinister Visitors (20 bars)
  8. 3m2 Donovan's Party (source music) - not by Williams
  9. 3m2a The Holy Grail (17 bars)
  10. 3m3 Father's Study (45 bars)
  11. 3m4 "Flight To Venice" - unofficial title, sheet music has not leaked
  12. 4m1 "X Marks The Spot" - OST track title, sheet music has not leaked
  13. 4m2 Beneath The Floors (48 bars)
  14. 4m3/5m1 Kazim and the Rats! (84 bars)
  15. 5m2 Venice (source music) - not by Williams
  16. 5m3 "Escape From Venice" - OST track title, sheet music has not leaked
  17. 5m3 Intro (2 bars)
  18. 5m4 Elsa's Record Player (source music) - not by Williams
  19. 5m5 Venice Singer (source music) - not by Williams
  20. 5m6 Into Bavaria (10 bars)
  21. 5m6/6m1 Bringing On Father (41 bars)
  22. 6m2 Discussing The Book (50 bars)
  23. 6m2x New Ending (6 bars)
  24. 6m3 Unknown Title (46 bars) - pages 1 and 2 missing from leaked sheet music
  25. 6m3 Alternate Start (12 bars) - Replaces bars 1-8 of 6m3
  26. 6m4 Market Source (19 bars)
  27. 6m5 The Capture Of Marcus (25 bars)
  28. 7m1 The Austrian Way (62 bars)
  29. 7m2 Room In Flames (107 bars)
  30. 7m2 Insert #1 - Assumed to exist, sheet music has not leaked
  31. 7m2 Insert #2 (4 bars) - Replaces bars 61-64 of 7m2
  32. 7m3 "Scherzo For Motorcycle And Orchestra" - OST track title, sheet music has not leaked
  33. 7m4/8m1 To Berlin (28 bars) - Begin bar 1 on "Close Up - Angry Dad" and segue to "German Army Band" at final bar (0:59.20)
  34. 8m2 Koeniggraetzer March (91 bars) - "Repeat drums as needed" at bar 89
  35. 8m3 Meeting Hitler (42 bars)
  36. 8m4 Zeppelin Piano (source music) - unofficial title, sheet music has not leaked, unknown if by Williams
  37. 8m5 Intrigue On The Dirigible (64 bars)
  38. 8m6 Zeppelin Piano (source music) - unofficial title, sheet music has not leaked, unknown if by Williams
  39. 8m7/9m1 Turning Around (38 bars)
  40. 9m2 "Keeping Up With The Joneses" - OST track title, sheet music has not leaked
  41. 9m2 New Ending (85 bars)
  42. 9m2 Final Ending (10 bars) - Note on bar 1: "Overlap Bar 93 of 9m2 New Ending", bar 9: "Overlap source"
  43. 9m3 Palace Source (12 bars)
  44. 9m4 Kasim Meets Max (40 bars)
  45. 10m1 The Death Of Kazim (81 bars)
  46. 10m1 Insert 1 (6 bars) - Replaces bars 27-32 of 10m1
  47. 10m1 Insert 2 (5 bars) - Replaces bars 40-45 of 10m1
  48. 10m1 Insert 3 (10 bars) - Replaces bars 65-74 of 10m1
  49. 10m1 Fix Fix For Bar 65 (12 bars) - Replaces bars 65-end of 10m1
  50. 10m1 Insert A (14 bars)
  51. 10m2 "Belly Of The Steel Beast (0:00-2:24)" - OST track title, sheet music has not leaked
  52. 10m3/11m1 On The Tank (125 bars) - Note to overlap on bar 1
  53. 10m3/11m1 Insert 1 (5 bars)
  54. 10m3/11m1 Insert 2 (3 bars)
  55. 11m2 "Belly Of The Steel Beast( 2:24-end)" OST track title, sheet music has not leaked
  56. 11m3 unknown - there was probably nothing intended for this slate number, but you never know
  57. 11m4/12m1 Canyon Of The Crescent Moon (104 bars)
  58. 11m4/12m1 Overlap Indy Dad Alternate Start (9 bars) - Final bar overlaps bar 18 of 11m4/12m1
  59. 12m2 The Penitent Man Will Pass (54 bars)
  60. 13m1 "The Penitent Man Will Pass" - OST track title, the sheet music has not leaked
  61. 13m2 "The Keeper Of The Grail" - OST track title, sheet music has not leaked
  62. 13m3 The Wrong Choice (84 bars)
  63. 13m4/14m1 Letting It Go (47 bars)
  64. 14m2 End Credits (289 bars)

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7m4/8m1 is "Children In Chains" on the OST/Concord. You can hear the original final 3 bars on the CD versions, and the replacement insert in the film (what we all assumed was the beginning of "A True Believer)

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Looks like most of the music that was new to the Concord set took their names from William's original titles... only "The Nightclub Brawl", "Indy and the Villagers" and "Return To The Village / Raiders March" are really different

I think part or all of 11m1 Insert can be heard in the Lego game somewhere (I think scallenger was on to something all along!)

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Here's my breakdown of where everything can be found:


  • 1m1 High Life In Hong Kong (26 bars)
  • 1m2 Anything Goes (40 bars)
  • 1m2a Anything Goes - Part II (64 bars)

Combined into "Anything Goes" on the OST and Concord

  • 1m3 Anything Playoff (10 bars)

Unreleased, what we've been calling "Shanghai, 1935"

  • 1m4 A Tribute To Vernon (36 bars)

Unreleased, the piano music in the beginning

  • 1m5 Indy Negotiates (99 bars)

"Indy Negotiates" on Concord

  • 1m6 Once In A Vial (109 bars)
  • 1m6a Once In A Vial (Dance Orchestra) (30 bars) - Overlays bars 38-67 of 1m6

"The Nightclub Brawl" on Concord has just 1m6.

1m6a is the Anything Goes overdub that remains unreleased :(

  • 1m7/2m1 Through Chinatown (159 bars) - Note to overlap next cue on bar 158

"Fast Streets Of Shanghai" on the OST and Concord

  • 2m2 Out Of Fuel (115 bars) - Note to pause at bar 50
  • 2m2 Insert 1 (2 bars) - Replaces bars 14 & 15 of 2m2, Was recorded with 2m2
  • 2m2 Insert 2 (2 bars) - Replaces bars 78 & 79 of 2m2, Was recorded with 2m2
  • 2m2a Bar 34 Insert (4 bars) - Replaces bars 33-36 of 2m2
  • 2m2b Bar 76 Insert (6 bars) - Replaces bars 76-82 of 2m2
  • 2m2 Revised Map Extension (21 bars) - Replaces bars 8-28 of 2m2

2m2 was always recorded with the two 2m2 Inserts, and this performance is "Map / Out Of Fuel" on the Concord set

"Map Extension" is in the Lego game.

2m2a can be heard in the film, while 2m2b can be partially heard, but is mostly dialed out

  • 2m3 Down The Snowbank (106 bars)
  • 2m3a Down The Snowbank (New Intro) (19 bars) - Replaces bars 1-4 of 2m3, was recorded with 2m3
  • 2m3b Snowbank Sweetener (2 bars) - not used

"Slalom On Mt Humol" on the OST and Concord. The original intro that 2m3a replaced was never recorded, 2m3a and 2m3 where recorded together as one piece.

The sweetener is just timpani, cymbal and harp, but it doesn't say where it was supposed to go

  • 2m4 The Indian Village (28 bars)

Unreleased, what we've been calling "The Starving Village"

  • 3m1 The Old Priest's Tale (61 bars)
  • 3m1 Revised The Old Priest (63 bars)

3m1 is the music we have in the Lego Game, 3m1 Revised is "Indy And The Villagers" on the Concord.

  • 3m2 The Child Returns (50 bars)
  • 3m2a Alternate Beginning (7 bars) - Replaces first 8 bars of 3m2

Unreleased, what we've been calling "A Child Returns / Fortune And Glory" or just "Fortune and Glory". The alternate beginning is the version used in the film (it has more sitar and the Slave Children's theme on flute)

  • 3m3/4m1 The Elephant Ride (94 bars)

"Short Round's Theme" on the OST and Concord

  • 4m2 The Scroll (27 bars)
  • 4m3 To Pankot Palace (83 bars)

Combined into "The Scroll / To Pankot Palace" on the Concord

  • 5m1 Entrance Of The Boy King (10 bars) - Not Used
  • 5m1x The Emperor's Entrance (18 bars)

Both unreleased. 5m1x is what's used in the film and what we've been calling "The Maharajah". The original version appears to use less "ethnic" instruments

  • 5m2a The First Supper (154 bars)

This is the 5 unreleased short cues that we've been calling "The Feast"

Here's how it works. 5m2 is the source music, which wasn't written by Williams. 5m2a are his overlays that play over it. So it isn't really 154 bars of music... the sheet music indicates which bars the cues play over and which bars they rest

Cue1: bars 27-38

Cue2: bars 46-48

Cue3: bars 65-81

Cue4: bars 104-106

Cue5: bars 136-145

The 5th cue has a rest in it so it seemed like there was 6 cues in the film

  • 5m2b Exchange Of Glances (7 bars) - Not Used

Not sure what this could be...

  • 5m3 Nocturnal Activities (96 bars) - Note "See strangler" at bar 95
  • 5m4/6m1 Strangle Hold (93 bars)

Combined into "Nocturnal Activities" on the OST and Concord

  • 6m2 The Inner Chamber (67 bars)

"The Secret Passage" on Concord

  • 6m3 The Walls Come Down (126 bars)

"Bug Tunnel and Death Trap" on the OST and Concord

  • 7m1 Sanskrit Sacrifice (85 bars)
  • 7m1a Sacrifice Sweetener (61 bars)
  • 7m2 More Sacrifice (47 bars)
  • 7m1d Percussion Sweetener - One (3 bars)
  • 7m2d Percussion Sweetener - Two (2 bars)
  • 7m3d Percussion Sweetener - Three (2 bars)

The music written for the first ceremony.

Only 7m1 has been released, as "The Temple Of Doom" on the OST and Concord. Many parts of the other cues where replaced with music tracked from 7m1

It appears that no music was written specifically for the second sacrifice (which takes place between 8m3 and 9m1), as music from the above cues where tracked into that scene in the film.

  • 7m3 Approaching The Stones (67 bars)

"Approaching The Stones" on the Concord

  • 7m4/8m1 Slave Children (57 bars)
  • 7m4/8m1 Insert (4 bars) - Replaces bars 55-57 of 7m4/8m1

"Children In Chains" on the OST and Concord is the original 7m4/8m1. The insert (really a revised ending) can be heard in the film replacing the ending of the album version

  • 8m2 Moloram's Speech (47 bars)

Unreleased, what we've been calling "A True Believer" (though of course, now we know the Indy's theme at the beginning is really the revised ending of the above cue)

  • 8m3 The Evil Potion (66 bars)

Unreleased, what I had dubbed "Indy Possessed" or "The Black Sleep Of Kali"

  • 9m1 Short Round Escapes (71 bars)
  • 9m1x Sacrifice Continued (24 bars)

9m1 is "Short Round Escapes" on Concord

9m1x is an unreleased overdub that can be heard in the film (more chanting similar to 7m1)

  • 9m2 Willy In The Fryer (52 bars) - First 22 bars not used

Unreleased, I had called this "Indy Wakes Up". Mostly replaced by music tracked from 7m1 in the final film. Bar 23 begins when Indy smacks Shorty.

  • 9m3 Saving Willy (128 bars)

"Saving Willie" on Concord

  • 9m7/10m1 Crusade Of The Slave Children (81 bars)

"The Slave Children's Crusade" on the OST and Concord

  • 10m2 Short Round Helps Out (35 bars)
  • 10m3 Indy Takes Charge (141 bars)

Combined into "Short Round Helps" on Concord

  • 10m4/11m1 Mine Car Chase (150 bars) - Note "Begin as Mine Car Lands Back On Track" at bar 92

"The Mine Car Chase" on OST and Concord

  • 11m1 Water Music (71 bars) - First 6 bars not used
  • 11m1 Insert Water Music Insert (21 bars) - Replaces bars 27-31 of 11m1

11m is on the Concord set as "Water!"

11m1 Insert remains unreleased, but can be heard in the film and Lego games

  • 11m2 The Sword Trick (39 bars)

"The Sword Trick" on Concord

  • 11m4 The Broken Bridge (135 bars)
  • 11m5/12m1 British Relief (39 bars)

Combined into "The Broken Bridge / British Relief" on Concord

  • 12m2 Finale (108 bars)

"Return To The Village / Raiders March" on Concord

  • 12m5 End Credits (142 bars) - Note: "Overlap bar 142 with Raiders March bars 109-end"

The second part of "Finale and End Credits" on OST or "End Credits" on Concord

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  • 9m2 Willy In The Fayer (52 bars) - First 22 bars not used

Unreleased, I had called this "Indy Wakes Up". Its the cue that starts when Indy slaps Shorty

And "Short Round Escapes" was probably supposed to lead right into it.


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You're absolutely right!

In the film, they just let Short Round Escapes end cleanly, then play some more Sanskrit stuff for a while before coming into 9m2 midway through on Indy's smack


I just discovered a mistake I had made!

9m1x is actually more ceremony stuff! So those are the 3 major chunks of ceremony stuff in the film...

7m1/7m2 is the first ceremony, the beating heart, etc

9m1x is the second ceremony, when Mola Ram is going to sacrifice Willly....

And there was never supposed to be a third, but in the film they replaced part of 9m2 with more ceremony music tracked from the first 2 instead of William's original cue.


Updating above posts (and my spreadsheet) now...

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As for the 2 inserts, I think the second one is the film alteration heard at about 15:42 into the film, not sure about the other... because it appears to have been replaced in the film by the full Map Extension anyway...

Maybe I'm wrong when counting bars, especially at the beginning (when music accelerates a bit), but I don't even reach bar 25 within the map sequence while listening to the Concord version. Again, I could be wrong counting the bars, but if I'm right then the "bar 34 insert" does not concern the map sequence.


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I'm surprised that this information hasn't generated more discussion, I thought it was pretty neat stuff!

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Jason the cue To Pankot Palace film version contains the segment with the low choir and percussion that is not on the Concord release. Is this another insert that does not appear on the cue list (like we assume Bridge percussion to be :) ) or what could be the explanation.

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Yea there was no alternate To Pankot Palace material at all in the pages I have. I don't think they are missing though - I think all the film differences are tracked music.

I wrote a post about it in the Box set thread somewhere... but the first part that is different definitely sounds tracked.... and then later on somebody posted a message saying they thought they heard that low choir somewhere else... and then the new drums are I think just tracked from the exisiting drums in the track....

I dunno.

EDIT: Found the post: link

EDIT2: I never saw this part of Maurizio's post until now!

Jason: does the cue sheet indicate who wrote the rope bridge percussion cue?

The rope bridge and pankot palace source music are simply not included in the material I have

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I'm surprised that this information hasn't generated more discussion, I thought it was pretty neat stuff!

It is, Jason. Finally there's a clearer overall view about the temple/ceremony stuff scoring process. It is like I always supposed: Williams wrote and recorded the "Sanskrit Sacrifice" cue as a kind of source piece and then, during the main scoring job, wrote and recorded bits and pieces tailored around it. I'm sure he was heavily involved during the mixing stage as well, just to be sure everything made musical sense.

If a complete and chronological edition of Temple of Doom will ever see the light one day, I hope we will be able to hear the complete recording of "Sanskrit Sacrifice" as originally written and recorded.

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It turns out I missed another insert! There are THREE inserts for "Out Of Fuel".... PLUS the 2 different extensions.... see above

There's also random pages for bars 93-109 of a unknown cue tacked onto the end of 1m5... I dunno what they are

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I'm surprised that this information hasn't generated more discussion, I thought it was pretty neat stuff!

It is, Jason. Finally there's a clearer overall view about the temple/ceremony stuff scoring process. It is like I always supposed: Williams wrote and recorded the "Sanskrit Sacrifice" cue as a kind of source piece and then, during the main scoring job, wrote and recorded bits and pieces tailored around it. I'm sure he was heavily involved during the mixing stage as well, just to be sure everything made musical sense.

If a complete and chronological edition of Temple of Doom will ever see the light one day, I hope we will be able to hear the complete recording of "Sanskrit Sacrifice" as originally written and recorded.

Well it appears he actually wrote 2 different ceremony pieces - the first is 7m1 and 7m2, and the second is 9m1x. This makes sense listening in the film, as the first one is more quiet and subdued for most of it, and the second is more direct and menacing. The album arrangement is very similar to 9m1x in the film.

Then they mixed elements of those pieces over a few other cues in the film - Short Round Escapes and Saving Willie basically.... and also almost completely replaced "Willie In The Fryer" with elements of them

EDIT: Missed another one! There was ANOTHER insert for "Out Of Fuel" buried in there... it was supposed to replace bars 78 and 79. But it wasn't used, because they ended up replacing bars 76-81 with 2m2b anyway. Weird stuff, I can't believe out of all the cues in the film, that that's the one that was tinkered with the most!

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Interesting stuff Jay, thanks for posting! :mrgreen:

I too would (one day) would like to listen to the original Ceremony stuff, as well as all the film variations etc. That would be cool! :rolleyes:

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This cue list shows how difficult is to get a REALLY complete soundtrack release!

Thanks Jason! This is great! any chance to get from Last Crusade??

P.S. I'm pretty sure "rope bridge" is from Williams, and was recorded separately.

So.... I'd like to have the piano source music from the beginning :rolleyes:

Nightclub Braws was MEANT to have the Anything Goes overdubs all along. Shame that they didn't include it.

Do we know the difference between 7m1 and 7m2? (Sanskrit Sacrifice)

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This cue list shows how difficult is to get a REALLY complete soundtrack release!

Worse than that, for album producers, it will highlight exactly what they don't give us if they don't get it right :rolleyes:

Thanks Jason! This is great! any chance to get from Last Crusade??

If someone out there has it, send it my way!

So.... I'd like to have the piano source music from the beginning :mrgreen:

Could you perform it and record an mp3 for the web site?

Do we know the difference between 7m1 and 7m2? (Sanskrit Sacrifice)

There's no "difference" between them.... its 2 cues that play back to back like many other cues in the movie do

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Could you perform it and record an mp3 for the web site?

Sure , I could try :mrgreen:

Btw, some of the timings should be updated from the spreadsheet, if I'm not mistaken.

Willy in the Fayer should be longer, since the first half was not used, right?

Also, Molaram's speech should be shorter than 3:58, since Indy's theme is from the previous cue. :rolleyes:

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Could you perform it and record an mp3 for the web site?

Sure , I could try :mrgreen:

Awesome. If anybody else has the means to perform and record "A Tribute to Vermen", let me know!

Speaking of that.... it was hard to read on the cue sheet. Could be Vernen or Vernon or Vemem or something. Is there a famous pianist or composer with a name similar to that?

Btw, some of the timings should be updated from the spreadsheet, if I'm not mistaken.

Willy in the Fayer should be longer, since the first half was not used, right?

Also, Molaram's speech should be shorter than 3:58, since Indy's theme is from the previous cue. :rolleyes:

yes, you're exactly right!

Willy In The Fryer will be changed to reflect the total time between Short Round Escapes and Saving Willie, and Moloram's speech as well as The Evil Potion will have to be changed since we know the former is 47 bars and the latter is 66. I had previously just made a guess that that section of the film was 2 different cues and guessed where the split was.

BTW, in case anybody missed it, the spreadsheet I linked to in the main post contains more information from the cue sheets, included some dates as well as who orchestrated each one, where it was listed.

I wanted to put that information here but couldn't figure out how to put a table in a posting here...

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Thanks Jason! This is great! any chance to get from Last Crusade??

If someone out there has it, send it my way!

Very nice work, Jason! We all hope for LC, of course.

All these findings you do mean that you actually are able to read to the whole original recorded partiture (notes, parts and all)?

If that is the case, would you mind sending me a scan of those? I think we could actually understand way more if we read a cue while listening to it.


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Speaking of that.... it was hard to read on the cue sheet. Could be Vernen or Vernon or Vemem or something. Is there a famous pianist or composer with a name similar to that?

It quite possible it refers to this guy-


This is only from a 30 second search I've just done so it still could be refering to someone else??

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I assumed it meant vermin, referring to the gangsters.

Yea that was my original thought too. I dunno, it's hard to read:


This was the other one I had a hard time reading:


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This was the other one I had a hard time reading:


I think it says "Willie in the Fryer."

I'm looking at that sacrificial cage in a different light now. You could make a lot of french fries with it.

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Ahhh, of course. Fryer it is

I think I finally solved the last of the 2m2 Out Of Fuel mysteries!

So, there is actually only 1 version of "2m2 Revised - Map Extension".

It was confusing because there where 2 different files. However, the first file is somewhat of an aborted attempt to transscribe it... the first 6 bars where basically empty, only containing a few notes to I think kind of get the orchestra up to speed on where the new material would start... and then bars 7 and 8 had the new music.

However, then they must have thought better of this method, and we have the 2nd file. In the second file, bars 8-13 from the original 2m2 are literally copied (like somebody took a photocopy and taped them over the blank sheet for 2m2 revised) over bars 1 through 6, and then the rest is the new cue. So depending on your point of view, its a 21 bar extension to replace bars 8-28, or a 15 bar extension to replace bars 14-28. I guess it depends on if bars 1-6 (8-13) where re-recorded when the recorded "Map Extension"or not.

So, to sum up:

We have 2m2, Williams' original cue, as heard on the Concord set.

Then the first "2m2 Insert" was written to replace bars 14 and 15

Then the second "2m2 Insert" was written to replace bars 78 and 79

But neither of those where used or have ever been heard, because they where each replaced by one of the next 3 recordings made for 2m2:

"2m2a Bar 34 Insert" was written to replace bars 33-36

"2m2b Bar 76 Insert" was written to replace bars 76-81

And finally "2m2 Revised - Map Extension" was written to replace bars 14-28.


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I think I finally solved the last of the 2m2 Out Of Fuel mysteries!

So, there is actually only 1 version of "2m2 Revised - Map Extension".

It was confusing because there where 2 different files. However, the first file is somewhat of an aborted attempt to transscribe it... the first 6 bars where basically empty, only containing a few notes to I think kind of get the orchestra up to speed on where the new material would start... and then bars 7 and 8 had the new music.

However, then they must have thought better of this method, and we have the 2nd file. In the second file, bars 8-13 from the original 2m2 are literally copied (like somebody took a photocopy and taped them over the blank sheet for 2m2 revised) over bars 1 through 6, and then the rest is the new cue. So depending on your point of view, its a 21 bar extension to replace bars 8-28, or a 15 bar extension to replace bars 14-28. I guess it depends on if bars 1-6 (8-13) where re-recorded when the recorded "Map Extension"or not.

So, to sum up:

We have 2m2, Williams' original cue, as heard on the Concord set.

Then the first "2m2 Insert" was written to replace bars 14 and 15

Then the second "2m2 Insert" was written to replace bars 78 and 79

But neither of those where used or have ever been heard, because they where each replaced by one of the next 3 recordings made for 2m2:

"2m2a Bar 34 Insert" was written to replace bars 33-36

"2m2b Bar 76 Insert" was written to replace bars 76-81

And finally "2m2 Revised - Map Extension" was written to replace bars 14-28.


Well... I'm now officially curious to hear how the cue would have been with those unused inserts...


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Looks like most of the music that was new to the Concord set took their names from William's original titles... only "The Nightclub Brawl", "Indy and the Villagers" and "Return To The Village / Raiders March" are really different

I think part or all of 11m1 Insert can be heard in the Lego game somewhere (I think scallenger was on to something all along!)

And you all thought I was crazy! lol.

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Jason, where did you get the info on all of this?

The sheet music

Those of you who also have the sheet music, here's your homework assignment:

1. Is 2m3a Down The Snowbank (New Intro) already combined into the "Slalom On Mt Humol" track that we know from the CDs and the film? If so, what is the timestamp on when this piece ends and the original cue is resumed? Approx how long would the section that got replaced have been?

2. What is the timestamp (either from the film or the file in my editing package) on when 3m2a Alternate Beginning ends and 3m2 The Child Returns is resumed? Approx how long would the section that got replaced have been?

3. Approx how long would 5m1 Entrance of the Boy King have been?

4. What is the timestamp (either from the film or the file in my editing package) on when 7m1 Sanskrit Sacrifice ends and 7m2 More Sacrifice begins?

5. What is the timestamp (either from the film or the file in my editing package) on when 8m2 Moloram's Speech ends and 8m3 The Evil Potion begins?

6. Can 11m1 Insert be heard in the film at all? Approx how long would the full recording have been?

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1. It looks to me like yes, what we have on the concord release is the new intro, which lasts from the beginning of the track to 0:15, right when the tambourine comes in. It looks to me like the missing original section would be app. 3 seconds long.

I'll look into the other things when I get the chance.

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If we would have read this before the box set track times was released ,Short Round Helps would be presumed missing the great climax leading into mine Car chase (now named Indy Takes Charge)

I didn't think that whole track formely known as Underground Chaos could be divided , so I guess we narrowly averted a major disaster

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Jason, is 3M2 "The Village" in your editing package?

Are you talking about 2m4 The Indian Village or 3m2 The Child Returns?

I called 2m4 either "The Village" or "The Starving Village" I forget, and I called 3m2 "Shankara / Fortune and Glory"

If we would have read this before the box set track times was released ,Short Round Helps would be presumed missing the great climax leading into mine Car chase (now named Indy Takes Charge)

I was thinking the same thing!

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OK, I'll look into that. As for this question:

3. Approx how long would 5m1 Entrance of the Boy King have been?

It looks to me like it could be anywhere from 14 - 20 seconds long. Tough to say. It looks like a fanfare march-ish sort of piece. Actually, it looks really cool. I might have to work on a mock-up of that, and see what it might sound like.

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If we would have read this before the box set track times was released ,Short Round Helps would be presumed missing the great climax leading into mine Car chase (now named Indy Takes Charge)

I was thinking the same thing!

And considering the "fade out to oblivion " of Return to the Village and that they didn't put Fortune and Glory ,which is musically indivisible from Indy and the Villagers ,no cue was really "safe"

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All of the below is subject to the possibility of mistakes by me, but... ;)

3m2a Alternate Beginning is used, and segues into the original at 22 seconds in the track, just when the sitar begins the melody again, with the changes. It looks to me like we are missing something like 27 - 31 seconds of the original cue.

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If we would have read this before the box set track times was released ,Short Round Helps would be presumed missing the great climax leading into mine Car chase (now named Indy Takes Charge)

Actually, "Indy Takes Charge" is the longest of the two parts of "Short Round Helps" (Concord track). So I would guess that, if they had to include something, they would have put the great climax instead of the actual "Short Round Helps"...

... Oh, well, let's assume they're smart enough. ;)


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Is it possible that 3m2a Alternate Beginning was written because 3m1 was completely revised? Or would either cue have been able to segue to the original opening of 3m2?

BTW, John Takis confirmed for me that the Lego file contains the entire 3m1 original version. What amazing luck we had that they put that in the lego game!

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So for those of you with the sheet music and access to some high quality sample libraries, can you transcribe the notes into a music program like Digital Performer and create mock-up versions of these unreleased cues? Theoretically it should work, right? It sounds like Colin is already thinking about it. ;)

It would be a lot of hard work, but you'd put your stamp on Indiana Jones music history and the the rest of us fans will forever be grateful...

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More questions:

How long would Snowbank Sweetener be?

How long would Exchange of Glances be?

How about the unused 2m2 inserts?

Is 9m1x identical to the album track "The Temple Of Doom"?

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So for those of you with the sheet music and access to some high quality sample libraries, can you transcribe the notes into a music program like Digital Performer and create mock-up versions of these unreleased cues? Theoretically it should work, right? It sounds like Colin is already thinking about it. :lol:

It would be a lot of hard work, but you'd put your stamp on Indiana Jones music history and the the rest of us fans will forever be grateful...

Oh, I am thinking about it. Thinking very seriously...

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Those of you who also have the sheet music, here's your homework assignment:

5. What is the timestamp (either from the film or the file in my editing package) on when 8m2 Moloram's Speech ends and 8m3 The Evil Potion begins?

Asked questions first. The timestamp, referred to the file in your editing package, is at 2.54. 8M2 ending is marked by a voice crescendo ("Hoo-jah, hoo-jah..."), and the final strike "Hoo!" is the last note of the cue. The strings that come right after are the beginning of 8M3.

Now I'm going to further analyse 8M3, and then I'll pass to what has become the most interesting part of ToD (for me, at least): the 2M2 mystery.


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I feel like I solved the 2m2 mystery pretty good...

2m2 is on the Concord

2m2 Insert 1 and 2m2 Insert have never been heard, but they are only 2 bars each

2m2a and 2m2b can be heard in the film, and 2m2 revised can be heard in the film and lego game

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