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E.T. The Isolated Extra Terrestrial

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you are not a wicked music editor. im sure those could do it!

It would sound exactly like this!

yes, that's how butchered Anakin's Dark deeds sounds like

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Hahaha that's awesome. I agree with KM, that's exactly what's been done to JW soundtracks several times the last decade.

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In listening to the music, I can understand how that piece might be trimmed in order to present a more cohesive listening presentation.

I'm not sure you know what part were talking about. To bring it back to E.T. perspective, imagine Adventures on Earth with the loud fanfare after E.T. says "I'll be right here" edited out entirely from the album track.

To me it's that an utterly inexcusable edit. As Luke mentioned it could have been done on purpose (IF we eventually release complete scores you'll want this), or a big fuck you to Williams fans from editor Ramiro Belgart.

I know exactly what part you are talking about.

To even think this music is something as special as leaving out portions of E.T. is laughable, much like the ridiculous conspiracy theories about why it's left out.

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well to me Anakin's Dark deeds is one of the great Williams tracks of the 2000's , with the best part cut off the OST

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Maybe you can answer this one but I'm puzzled by one cue.

"Stuffed Animals".

According to Jason's spreadsheet the cue should only be 47 seconds but the cue from your rip has a moment of silence before the music continues. Is this a mistake?

Edit: Never mind I figured it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Along with what was done previously (I saw some differences, but not everything listed) I decided to compare the tracks of the 1996 and 2002 releases. Aside from what was already mentioned in this thread, this is what I found.

Far From Home / E.T. Alone - A few seconds of silence was removed at the beginning and the sustained note between cues was shortened. (2002)

Bait for E.T. - Fades in later. (2002)

I'm Keeping Him - Fades out a few seconds sooner. (2002)

E.T.'s Powers - Fades out a second sooner. (2002)

Frogs - At 2:01 the edit is the same as the film (2002) the 1996 lacks the brief silence (2:02).

Magic Of Halloween - Fades out several seconds sooner (2002).

Sending The Signal - Omits 1 second of silence between cues (2002).

E.T. Is Alive - Cues combined, silences removed [film version] (2002).

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The film tracks just sound different from the CDs at many points, now that I listen to this. Is it just mixing/recording or do we have alternates?

I think it was stated that the CD's used different or wrong takes, that's why they sound different in many spots.

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Jason's spreadsheet says 2:25 + from The Beginning Of A Friendship (2002 Anniversary Edition) corresponds to the start of 3m3 E.T. and Elliot, but I can find it on the score. Any help?

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Prometheus is referring to the sheet music

Prometheus, the sheet music we have is what was prepared for the 2002 live performance of the scored synced to the 2002 SE cut of the film, which explains why all the inserts are already added, E.T.'s Machine has the material tracked from other cues, it has the made-up 3m4 which is just from other cues, and the 3m3 is all pages taken from 10m2 as that is what was used in all versions of the film instead of the WIlliams' original 3m3 cue.

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  • 2 months later...

Here's a detailed editing guide for E.T. I just put together, which takes all you guys' work into account. With all the necessary information spread out, I thought a clear overview might be useful for others. The guide should be pretty definitive while not taking all that much editing work. (Any corrections always welcome of course.) With many thanks to everyone who's contributed in this thread.

Needed: OST, 1996 CD (Special Edition), 2002 CD (20th Ann.), Isolated score (Laserdisc-rip)

- Editing guide with as little editing as possible, yet still precise. I wasn't fussy about any possible sound quality differences between the SE and the Ann. CDs; and neither about switching from one to the other (which was sometimes necessary to cut down on the editing work).

- In most cases there's an (often unmentioned) reason I selected either the SE or the Ann. track. In the very few cases it didn't matter which of the two, I opted for the SE.

- Most of the original versions of the cues are on the first CD, as I like them better,

and in this way there's a first 'intended' version of the complete score on CD 1,

with CD 2 containing revisions and OST-rerecordings.

- If you stick strictly to the OST order for the second CD, it isn't a very good listening experience,

as there's too much repetition in the second half of the CD. Therefore, I put the two tracks

that are more straightforward themes and have no immediate corresponding film cue, as openers.

(The end credits then becomes a reprise of those two tracks, almost.)

CD 1

01 Main Titles

(Original cue title unknown.)

ANN 01 (fix ending)

02 The Forest (Revised) / Keyes Arrives

SE 01

(2002 CD shortens the sustained note between the cues.)

03 The Cornfield

(Original cue title unknown.)


04 Looking for E.T.

SE 02

(2002 CD fades in slightly later.)

05 The First Meeting

ANN 04

06 Into the House

ANN 05 0:00-1:23

07 Meeting E.T.

SE 03

08 E.T. and Elliot

SE 04

09 In the Closet

SE 05

(2002 CD fades out slightly sooner.)

10 E.T.'s Magic

SE 06 (fix ending)

(2002 CD fades out slightly sooner.)

11 Mary Searches the Closet


12 E.T. Raids the Icebox

ANN 10

13 E.T. Gets an Idea

ANN 11

(This is the same edit as in the film at 2:01; the 1996 CD lacks the brief silence.

Also, the ending would need fixing with SE 08.)

14 Elliot's First Kiss

(Original cue title is: "The Quiet Man (Victor Young)", however:

the snippet taken from The Quiet Man wasn't composed by Young,

but a song he adapted called “The Isle Of Innisfree”, by Richard Farrelly.)


15 Bedtime Stories

SE 09

16 Halloween

SE 10

(2002 CD fades out slightly sooner.)

17 E.T.'s Machine

SE 11

(2002 CD omits second of silence at 2:12.)

18 Michael's Search (Original Version)

SE 12

19 Keyes Enters the House

SE 13

20 Stay with Me (Original Version)

ANN 17

(SE 14 ending is incomplete.)

21 He Came to Me

ANN 18

(SE 15 opening is mixed with previous track.)

22 E.T. Phones Home

SE 16

(2002 track is the edited film version.)

23 The Rescue / The Bike Chase / The Departure (Original Version)

ANN 20

(The SE track doesn't have a clean ending. It also has 2 seconds silence before The Departure.

The Ann. track also runs slightly better in the first half; but perhaps has the Departure segue slightly soon.)

24 End Credits (Original Version)

SE 18 (fix opening) 0:00-0:49 + Ann. 21 0:45-end

(In the SE track the trumpets make an error at around 0:57.)

CD 2

01 Over the Moon

OST 07

02 Flying

OST 05

(These first two tracks can be switched of course, depending on which one you prefer to open the CD.)

03 The Forest (Original Version)

OST 01

04 Abandoned and Pursued (Concert Version)

OST 02

05 E.T. and Me (Concert Version)

OST 03

06 E.T.'s Halloween (Concert Version)

OST 04

07 Michael's Search (Film Version)

ANN 15

08 Stay with Me (Film Version)


09 E.T. Phones Home (Film Edit)

ANN 19

10 The Rescue / The Bike Chase / The Departure (Revised Version)

OST 08

(Very strictly speaking, this is not the exact film version, as it has the horn overlay at 12:42 absent everywhere else.

Also, you need to edit out the 4-second silence before The Departure, if you want the film version.

All the rest matches up perfectly with the film version, including the bad edit at around 13:45.)

So, the beauty of selecting the Ann. track as the original version and the OST track as the film version,

is that they're perfectly complementary, and you don't need editing at all (if you don't mind listening to that bad edit).

What you're left with is the original version, and the revised version with all the overlays.

11 End Credits (Film Version)

ANN 21

Optional bonus tracks to be placed wherever you think they fit best:

- Universal Pictures Logo (E.T.: The 20th Anniversary)

- E.T. Adventure: Botanicus's Theme

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Wow, excellent work fommes!

I personally prefer final film versions on disc 1 and the OST and original versions on disc 2 but yours certainly involves less work!

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Yep, in most cases you can just switch the cues around and put on disc 1 what you like best, of course. Another reason - besides preference - I went with the original versions on disc 1, is that the Adventure on Earth track on the OST is the revised version, too, and in this way you keep almost all the revisions as well as the OST tracks together.

Chrono score thread updated, and I hope no-one minds I posted it at FSM, too. It seemed such a waste not to make all you guys' work known, and to let it disappear in the jungle of threads and posts.

Only thing I did was summarise (and check openings and endings of the various editions), so I wanted to thank you all again for all the info and work: Steef, Jason, Miguel, Maurizio, Turbo, Mike Matessino, and everone else.

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Good work guys! Now I can do a complete complete version of this music.

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  • 1 month later...

Here's the cue list from Jw sketch score.

R1P1 The Forest (Alternate Beginning)

R1P1 The Forest (Revised)

R1P2 Keyes Arrives (New Ending)

R1P2A The Final Solution

R2P2 Looking for E.T.

R2P3 The First Meeting (Alternate Beginning)

R2P3 The First Meeting

R3P1 Into the House

R3P2 Meeting E.T.

R3P3 E.T. and Elliot

R4P1 In the Closet

R4P2 E.T.'s Magic

R5P1 Mary Seaches the Closet

R5P2 E.T. Raids the Icebox

R5P5 E.T. Gets and Idea

Quiet Man Fix

R5P6 The Quiet Man

R6P2 Levitation

R6P3 Bed Time Stories

R7P1 Halloween

R7P2‐R8P1 E.T.'s Machine

R8P2 Michael's Search (New Intro)

R8P2 Michael's Search

R9P1 Keyes Enters the House

R9P2 Stay With Me (new intro)

R9P2 Stay With Me

R10P1 He Came to Me

R10P2 E.T. Phones Home

R11P1 The Rescue (extension)

R11P1 The Rescue

R11P3 The Bike Chase

R11P4‐R12‐P1 The Departure

R11P4‐R12‐P1 The Departure (sweetener bars 79‐82)

R11P4‐R12‐P1 The Departure (Steven's fix)


The Flying Theme

E.T. and Me (E.T. and Elliot)

Halloween (album version)

The Arrival of Keyes (album version)

Insert Β for Concert Piece (m 349‐358)

The Departure (insert A & Β) - for concert version (new bars 312-320 & 321-329)

(untitled section) - for concert version (new bars 121-150, 200-231)

there is a bit of a mix-up with the inserts...

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Very interesting list, thank you for sharing! Some notes:

-Unless this list simply excludes them, the electronic "Main Title" and "Elliot Explores The Cornfield" cues were apparently never sketched out by Williams - meaning they either weren't written by him, or he just worked with the synthesizer players to get the sound wanted without needing to write any notes down.

-The original version of "1m1 The Forest" is excluded from this list, the version that was on the OST. Unless he abandoned the original version of "The Forest", the OST contains "The Forest (Revised)", and all other CD versions as well as the film itself contain "The Forest (Alternate Beginning)" tagged onto the rest of "The Forest" (I can't remember now if its only the beginning of the cue that's different on the OST, or the end is different too.

-I'm confused about 1m2... obviously "The Arrival Of Keyes (Album Version)" is what is on the OST.... but is the film and 1996/2002 CDs "1m2 Keyes Arrives", or "1m2a The Final Solution"? And what is "1m2 New Ending"?

-There is an Alternate Beginning for "2m3 The First Meeting" that we never new about before! Or maybe maybe the original beginning was never recorded, and we've always only ever heard the alternate beginning?

-There was a fix for "5m6 The Quiet Man" that we never new about - unless we've always heard it with the Fix, and the original version is unheard or never recorded.

-What is "11m4/12m1 The Departure (sweetener bars 79‐82)" ?

-The "New Intro" to the "End Credits" is missing from this list.

-Where's the sketch for "Over The Moon"? Or is it taken from "End Credits" with one of those "for concert version" inserts?

I've updated the spreadsheet, which I now realize I never got around to adding into the timestamps for all the finale stuff


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-Unless this list simply excludes them, the electronic "Main Title" and "Elliot Explores The Cornfield" cues were apparently never sketched out by Williams - meaning they either weren't written by him, or he just worked with the synthesizer players to get the sound wanted without needing to write any notes down.

Actually, both cues are NOT electronic/synthesized in any way. It's an eerie effect produced by rubbing a gong/tam-tam with a superball on a mallet. I'm sure it was a decision made on the scoring stage, maybe suggested by Spielberg who probably wanted a kind of "alien" musical effect. Curiously enough Goldsmith used the same effect on an unused cue for Poltergeist (the track "Wild Percussion" on FSM release).

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Of course, that's right. So yea, probably just something they created on the stage, so there is no sheet music or slate number for it.

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Of course, that's right. So yea, probably just something they created on the state, so there is no sheet music or slate number for it.

That particular decision to add the main title music was brilliant. The odd metallic effect is a great way to open the film and plays to the expectations of the audience of what a movie about aliens should sound like and then it turns completely upside down when the story and the actual score unfolds. :)

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Very interesting list, thank you for sharing! Some notes:

-Unless this list simply excludes them, the electronic "Main Title" and "Elliot Explores The Cornfield" cues were apparently never sketched out by Williams - meaning they either weren't written by him, or he just worked with the synthesizer players to get the sound wanted without needing to write any notes down.

-The original version of "1m1 The Forest" is excluded from this list, the version that was on the OST. Unless he abandoned the original version of "The Forest", the OST contains "The Forest (Revised)", and all other CD versions as well as the film itself contain "The Forest (Alternate Beginning)" tagged onto the rest of "The Forest" (I can't remember now if its only the beginning of the cue that's different on the OST, or the end is different too.

-I'm confused about 1m2... obviously "The Arrival Of Keyes (Album Version)" is what is on the OST.... but is the film and 1996/2002 CDs "1m2 Keyes Arrives", or "1m2a The Final Solution"? And what is "1m2 New Ending"?

-There is an Alternate Beginning for "2m3 The First Meeting" that we never new about before! Or maybe maybe the original beginning was never recorded, and we've always only ever heard the alternate beginning?

-There was a fix for "5m6 The Quiet Man" that we never new about - unless we've always heard it with the Fix, and the original version is unheard or never recorded.

-What is "11m4/12m1 The Departure (sweetener bars 79‐82)" ?

-The "New Intro" to the "End Credits" is missing from this list.

-Where's the sketch for "Over The Moon"? Or is it taken from "End Credits" with one of those "for concert version" inserts?

I've updated the spreadsheet, which I now realize I never got around to adding into the timestamps for all the finale stuff


well, i don't have the complete sketch score in JWs' handwritting, so i can't help. only some cues..

apparently the new beginning to end credits that you say, is the (untitled section) - for concert version new bars 121-150( In the end it says that it goes to bar 33 of end credits)

there's a big mix up. all of theses inserts have 2 bar numbers so it is difficult to say which goes where..

and in some of these inserts, i don't see any difference with the regular cue..

well, if i get the complete sketch score, i will update with more information..

Oh, i found what is the departure sweetener.

it's an alternate orchestration for the horns. it goes in

12.21-12.29'' of track 24 in the isolated score but i can't hear it there (but I'm sure I have heard it in a recording. the horns go up a 5th and then down again) while in the original sketch without the sweetener they are still in a chord..

oh, just found the recording too, but I don't know from where it is. it's in a complete 2cd ET. score I have, track 5 of 2nd cd, Saying Goodbye (alternate).

Found too the alternate beginning in the first meeting.

this IS the film version.

so we have:

alternate beginning (bars 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 4B, 4C [track 5 of iso score first 16 seconds]), and First meeting (bars 5 -... [0.17''-... of same track]).

apparently the fist meeting original cue had 4 bars in the start, that were replaced by 6 bars (alternate beginning), that we hear in the film.

i don't have the original though..

hehe,,, if i sit down, and search, i find things..

1m2 new ending: apparently there was another ending that would start in 5.17'' of track 2 of iso score. (it says int he score bar 64 and 65 al fine missing). but isntead we have the new bars 64-fine which are titled 1m2a final solution.

so in the film it's 1m2 (bars 1-63) + 1m2A (bars 64-end)

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Excellent filmmusic, thank you for this information! When I have time I will digest your info and respond in kind.


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You're welcome. i'll search information for the others too, with what i have in the moment, but in the departure there is a mess.

i wonder what is the departure concert version. maybe it means the Adventures on Earth that was in the Spielberg/Williams collaboration cd?


ok.. i think i got it eventually..

all these:

(untitled section) - for concert version (new bars 200-231)

+ Copy of Departure with new bar numbers 232-311,330-379 (along with the original bar numbers)

+ The Departure (insert A & Β) - for concert version (new bars 312-320 & 321-329)

+ Insert Β for Concert Piece (m 349‐358)


= adventures on earth (2.50'' -end.)

if you want exact timings of all the inserts, i will have to look it up another time. now, i'm a bit tired...

as for (untitled section) - for concert version new bars 121-150( In the end it says that it goes to bar 33 of end credits) that we said earlier:

i don't know eventually if it's the new beginning for end credits but it's 1.48''-2.36'' of Adventures on Earth

also there is a copy of End credits with new bar numbers 151-199 but apprently only 152-153, 186-199 are used for the missing gap between 2.36-2.50''

let me know, if we left something out...

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Oh, i found what is the departure sweetener.

it's an alternate orchestration for the horns. it goes in

12.21-12.29'' of track 24 in the isolated score but i can't hear it there (but I'm sure I have heard it in a recording. the horns go up a 5th and then down again) while in the original sketch without the sweetener they are still in a chord..

It's not what I thought .I though it was those 2 horn blasts at 12.37 of Adventures on Earth (original OST)


R11P4‐R12‐P1 The Departure (Steven's fix)

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The horns version is shit. I despair whenever I hear a version which segues into it.

The Spielberg fix is one of the greatest few seconds of Williams' entire career and it never fails to make my skin explode into mass of goosebumps and spikey little hairs.

I wonder how many other little Spielberg fixes have been made over the years. Stuff we don't even know about and take for granted.

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  • 3 months later...

Elliot's first Kiss cuts off rather abruptly because the scene ends right at the moment you have to change side on the Laserdisc.

But you can use the DVD and get a perfect rip of the final few seconds of that cue. The edit I did is flawless.

I also edited a new version of Escape/Chase/Saying goodbye using the 2002 version (best sounding, but with some alternate takes) and the 1982 version (closest to what was used in the film).

00.00 to 06:52 = 20th anniversary release

06:52 to 06:58 = 1982 OST release

06:58 to 09:55 = 20th anniversary release

09:55 to 10:44 = 1982 OST release

10:44 to 11:12 = 20th anniversary release

11:12 to 11:28 = 1982 OST release

11:28 to 12:32 = 20th anniversary release

12:32 to 12;48 = 1982 OST release

12:48 to 13:41 = 20th anniversary release

13;41 to 13:59 = 1982 OST release

13:59 to 14:14 = 20th anniversary release

14:13 to END = 1982 OST release

* times are approximations because of cross fading.

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  • 8 months later...


ok.. i think i got it eventually..

all these:

(untitled section) - for concert version (new bars 200-231)

+ Copy of Departure with new bar numbers 232-311,330-379 (along with the original bar numbers)

+ The Departure (insert A & Β) - for concert version (new bars 312-320 & 321-329)

+ Insert Β for Concert Piece (m 349‐358)


= adventures on earth (2.50'' -end.)

I looked again at this very carefully today.

Insert A (b. 312-320) is NOT included in the Adventures on Earth concert version I have (from the Spielberg/Williams collaboration cd).

Does anyone know if there is any alternate concert version in an another cd?

one with an alternate section at 7.03-7.21 of this track i mentioned and 7-10 seconds before.

the main difference is that this brass fanfare in the alternate section doesn't start in the strong beat but has an eighth pause - in the strong beat you hear the bass + timpani.

and also there should be 3 bars before that entirely different..

edit: hmmm.. it's a bit of a mess actually..

I think the insert is a repetition of an entire passage which contains this fanfare.

what i gathered (and i'm pretty sure i'm right this time)

in the adventures of earth track at 7.43'' we should have an insert which almost repeats the passage from 7.03''-7.43''.

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More finds about the E.t. score, and Jason you may update the spreadsheet with this information.

these concern the opening piece (1m1).

It went through 3 stages to get to the final version we know from the film.

1st: R1P1 The Forest

This is NOT the 1st track from the 1982 OST. That one is just the revised R1P1 without the music for the interior of the spaceship.

This ORIGINAL version of the Forest starts with the Organ theme (well, i believe you know what theme is it).

We have black screen and this theme starts. it's a bit altered in comparison with the final version.

2st: R1P1 Alternate beginning

The organ theme is completely eliminated, and in its place we have a passage which has the flute E.T. motif we hear in the final version, but this time expanded by repetition..

3rd: R1P1 The Forest (revised)

As we all know it from the film version

So from all these versions, we have only the 3rd in recording.

There is no recording found of the first 2.

I really hope they would release the complete soudtrack sometime, and it included those as well..

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So wait, you're saying the original LP's track #1 is actual the real film version of that cue, just with one section microedited out? Wow!

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So wait, you're saying the original LP's track #1 is actual the real film version of that cue, just with one section microedited out? Wow!

Yes, that's right! ;)

(unless there is a sheet music for this that i don't know of)

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I don't know if it's edited out, or a new recording without that passage..

also another crucial point:

both "R1P1" and "R1P1 alternate beginning" start with timing 0.00'' and go on.

R1P1 revised starts from 1.12'' and goes on

that means as I see it, that in the 2 original versions, the music was going to be in the main titles.

and in the revised version it was substituted with the Gong scratch effects, that's why "R1P1 revised" starts from 1.12'' and not from 0.00''.

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  • 9 months later...

Hey, guys. Does anyone have a FLAC copy of the "Adventure On Earth" track from the original 1982 recording they could get to me? I want to reassemble the film version (triangle, with insert during the ouch scene, but with the fixed edit and clean ending). Can anyone help? I can't find the 1982 track ANYWHERE.

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Hey, guys. Does anyone have a FLAC copy of the "Adventure On Earth" track from the original 1982 recording they could get to me? I want to reassemble the film version (triangle, with insert during the ouch scene, but with the fixed edit and clean ending). Can anyone help? I can't find the 1982 track ANYWHERE.

Your post is in violation of the board rules here.

08 - Discussion of music CDs before they are in stores (ie when they "leak" to the internet) is allowed, as is discussion of leaked recording sessions, sheet music, and other bootlegs. HOWEVER:
a) You may not post a link to, or name of, any site where this material can be illegally downloaded.
b) You may not offer on the public forums to send this material to anybody who PMs you.
c) You may not ask on the public forums for somebody to PM you a link to this material.
In other words: On the public forums, please discuss the music only, and not where to get it. This rule will be strictly enforced.
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