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Gandalf sitting down like that, in the bunny sled, it looks a little silly.

That is certainly not the only funny thing about the aforementioned sled.

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Gandalf sitting down like that, in the bunny sled, it looks a little silly.

That is certainly not the only funny thing about the aforementioned sled.

That it looks like it is groining Peter Jackson?

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Gandalf sitting down like that, in the bunny sled, it looks a little silly.

That is certainly not the only funny thing about the aforementioned sled.

That it looks like it is groining Peter Jackson?

Well everything apart from Gandalf really. Plus there are no CGI Bunnies of Doom yet. :P

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Seems to be in Dol Guldur.

I'm seeing Radagast racing through the staircases ... the horror ....!

Oh no. Bunnies of Doom can traverse any terrain and in any weather.

Perhaps Radgy will provide Gandalf a ride to the nearest pony express station so he can arrive on a horse to Erebor.

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Gandalf seems to have radagast's staff....

So he does not get it from Radagasts cold dead hands...

Gandalf Greyhame, Gandalf the Staff Thief!

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This just shows how lame The Hobbit discussion has become, and how people are grasping at anything just find find more stuff to hate.

In 2002 there was barely any mention, much less complaint about the fact that Gandalf the White obtained a whole new staff. Much less who clad him.

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This just shows how lame The Hobbit discussion has become, and how people are grasping at anything just find find more stuff to hate.

In 2002 there was barely any mention, much less complaint about the fact that Gandalf the White obtained a whole new staff. Much less who clad him.

We all know it was Galadriel!

And it is not hate. I reserve it for something special like non-sensical deviations from the plot of the Hobbit! No wait I don't actually hate the films as such. I just like to nit-pit out of habit.

I just can't watch idly by when people foam mouthedly praise these films for something they certainly aren't in my opinion. And this is not about staffs or bunny sleds (ok a bit about the bunny sleds) but rather about the general feeling of disappointment for a slack adaptation.

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No we dont know!

In the books maybe, but not the film

Yeah they forgot to add that flashback of Gandalf travelling via Gwaihîr to Lothlorien. Darn them!

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This just shows how lame The Hobbit discussion has become, and how people are grasping at anything just find find more stuff to hate.

In 2002 there was barely any mention, much less complaint about the fact that Gandalf the White obtained a whole new staff. Much less who clad him.

It's lame for PJ to used Gandalf LOTR staff for Radagast, and giving gandalf a new desinged one for the Hobbit.

If Gandalf had retained the one he used in LOTR and Radagast had a unique one, it dont think you would see a single complain. But it's just PJ who wants to add some backstory for some inanimate wooden staff that does not need it!

BTW i never noticed Galdalf had to get a new staff after his "retirement" in Orthanc...

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More concerning to me was how Gandalf's staff got obliterated in ROTK (sacrilge on PJ's part!!), but it reappears once more in the Grey Havens.

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The staff of the wizard was clearly a very important artefact, being the sign of their order and most probably individually given to them for their journey to Middle Earth. Thus it makes a bit silly how Gandalf loses his staff all the time in the films.

Yeah the "spare staff" Gandalf had after his escape from Orthanc is a mystery. I don't think Saruman confiscated it in the novel at all.

Heh the second Gandalf the White staff is another fun conundrum. Galadriel must have brough him another one from Lothlorien.

Interestingly (or not depending on the person's love of minutiae of LotR) Tolkien never ever states the wood from which Gandalf the Grey's staff was made. Gandalf the White's staff is said to be of ash tree in TTT.

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Gandalf was only imprisoned and I liken it to the telling in the Ralph Bakshi film. He was rescued and just kept the same staff. The duel in Orthanc in the film necessitates a new staff and so it wouldn't be too unrealistic to fashion a new staff at Rivendell. Afterall, the props were based off upturned tree roots. The second White staff is only a problem if you accept the EE scene as canon. The theatrical edition just has him without a staff until after the battle. I'm trying to rationalize away editing decisions at the end of the day :)

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Ok mystery solved...

FOTR's second staff is Radagast's. Either Gandalf has it hidden as a spare part somewhere (maybe with gwaihir) or Radagast is alive in FOTR and gave it to him. Gwaiihir is supposed to have been sent by radagast, isnt he?

I suppose in the films, mages can create stafs on their own. Getting a branch and magically transforming it. They could have shown that at least once (after all gandalf seems to have up to 4 staves....). And it would eliminate all this talk about it... :P

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This is an issue that will need to be addressed in some future SE of FOTR. Maybe PJ is shooting extra footage now which explains what happens after Gandalf escapes from Isengard. I mean how that he has had both actors on set, it's a great way to do it.

We also need new footage of Galdalf in Lothlorien after being reborn and carried away by the Eagles...

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This is an issue that will need to be addressed in some future SE of FOTR. Maybe PJ is shooting extra footage now which explains what happens after Gandalf escapes from Isengard. I mean how that he has had both actors on set, it's a great way to do it.

We also need new footage of Galdalf in Lothlorien after being reborn and carried away by the Eagles...

Yes these things need to be addressed with long backstories, perhaps even inventing new characters and events in the process! Maybe Ragdiel, Radagast's long lost sister who has hots for Gandalf made all those staves for him as courting presents!

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Surely you jest?

We don't need that. We do need certain continuity issues that have developed to be even out. Like the staff business. Martin Freeman in FOTR, and deletion of the line "you havent aged a day", which makes me cringe now every time I hear it.

Maybe FOTR Gollum needs to be adjusted too. But I rather they completely redo the TTT/ROTK Gollum so he looks like the AUJ version.

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Do we know when Gandalf has last seen Bilbo in FotR? It could be guessed that he has visited Bilbo in the intervening 60 years after the events of the Hobbit and thus has seen him as a bit older but after that he has ceased to age not that he stopped aging straight after turning 50.

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Who knows, but in the nomenclature of the film, where we go from seeing Ian Holm as he finds the Ring to Ian Holm just before his birthday, that line works fine. But when they replace Ian with Martin in the prologue, it will lose any meaning.

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Who knows, but in the nomenclature of the film, where we go from seeing Ian Holm as he finds the Ring to Ian Holm just before his birthday, that line works fine. But when they replace Ian with Martin in the prologue, it will lose any meaning.

Makes you wonder if there is going to be an epilogue to the BOFA where they foreshadow everything for FotR like Balin's departure to reclaim Moria etc. I am guessing Jack Nicholson will be leaving the theater again way before the film actually ends. ;)

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Me neither. Everyone of them makes sense and his important to completing character arcs. None of them diminish the impact of the actual ending either. An ending which still (thanks to Howard Shore) brings a tear to my eye.

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It really would have had to be 4 films.

I think the Scouring works in the book but I think omitting it from the film was the right choice.

Yeah, structurally I would not have worked.

Yes an adaptation decision I fully understand and agree with.

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