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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (James Mangold, June 30 2023)

Joe Brausam

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Eh. It can join the list. I'm not sure Hollywood's ever been more retarded as it is right now.

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Spielberg would learn. Lucas will not, and that's the issue.

That being said, the Spear of Destiny would be a cool artifact, though it would have worked better in 1930/40s era Indy films.

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I really think Spielberg will make up for the flaws of KotCS. But even if he doesn't, I'd be game for this film. And holy crap, that means another Indy score! YES!

When Spielberg means he "cracked the story," does that mean he thought of it or approved it? Because if he's making the story this time around, that could signal a decrease in Lucas' involvement, which was what hurt KotCS the most.

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My condolences for most of you but It seems Indy 5 is taking shape.


I'm not sure how reliable is the site, but anyway:

YAY! :lol:

PS: It's a shame it's a sequel to KOTCS :/

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I really think Spielberg will make up for the flaws of KotCS. But even if he doesn't, I'd be game for this film. And holy crap, that means another Indy score! YES!

When Spielberg means he "cracked the story," does that mean he thought of it or approved it? Because if he's making the story this time around, that could signal a decrease in Lucas' involvement, which was what hurt KotCS the most.

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If he boots Lucas off this one, I'd say it has a chance.

Although Lucas isn't my only criticism of this movie - it just seems so pedestrian when I watch it now, and some scenes just have a little too much of a staged feeling to me.

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I'm sorry for most of you but It seems Indy 5 is taking shape.


I'm not sure how reliable is the site, but anyway:

YAY! :lol:

PS: It's a shame it's a sequel to KOTCS :/

It's a pretty reliable site (not just because I've written for it a couple of times).

As I posted in the other thread, I'll watch this but I'm not going to really care about it unless I hear good things. But it's par for the course with general Hollywood filmmaking these days.

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If Lucas just lays off, I think the next film (if it happens) could be a lot better. I can't claim to be any sort of expert, but as far as I can tell, most of the things that hurt KOTCS the most were Lucas' doing. And this is coming from a guy who grinned happily all the way through KOTCS!

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I still think that too much of the blame is being cast on George Lucas.

He could make a movie of the calibre of THE GODFATHER and he'd still be looked upon by legions of nerds as the man who ruined Star Wars.

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Much of the success of Raiders comes from him because then it was Spielberg the one who made silly suggestions.

Shame Lucas could not remain in his enlighted self...

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I've been wondering if Spielberg was going to try and get another project together before Tintin comes out over two years (!) from now.

I know a lot of people hated Crystal Skull -- I didn't, and don't now, but I'm sympathetic. Thing is, even though it was, by popular opinion, kind of a bad Indiana Jones movie, I don't think it broke the franchise or anything like that. Harrison Ford still works, Shia LaBeouf works as long as he's not swinging on vines ... and obviously, the public the world over is still more than willing to shell out bucks for these movies.

Maybe this one will be the movie everyone hoped Indy 4 would be.

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For me the biggest problem with KotCS was the technical error of the CGI. We know that that's Lucas' fault, from that interview with him that was published and posted in the Indy 4 thread. He basically said that he was trying to move the series forward while Spielberg was more into revisiting an old style of filmmaking (which really is the only appropriate way to make an Indiana Jones film, I think).

KotCS had some other problems that I think can be shared between Lucas and Spielberg, but I think Lucas was the bigger "problem." I still loved the film to death, mind you, and I think that Lucas' presence was probably beneficial overall (I, for one, love the alien plot).

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It would be hilarious if Williams told Stevie that he said everything he needed to on KOTCS and had no interest in scoring a 5th adventure.

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Well, this and other recent interviews really seem to indicate something is happening. Now I would normally say that we survived the alien plot (it could really have been much, much worse, imo), so now we may get a REAL Indiana Jones story again (but then, if I think back to the monkey king story... ;-))

Btw, Ford called Lucas's idea for the plot "crazy but great", so that doesn't sound too reassuring... maybe the aliens come back, destroy Landmarks, and allow Indiana to ride the shock-wave on a trash can lid... Yay! Ah well, I'm, getting silly...

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maybe the aliens come back, destroy Landmarks, and allow Indiana to ride the shock-wave on a trash can lid... Yay!

That would be... the best... movie... EVER! :nod:


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Well, might as well name one of the Indy V threads the "OFFICIAL" Indy V thread!

Even though I said I don't want another one, I can't help but feel a certain excitement now..

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I think this is great news. If Spielberg is the one who designed the idea for this film, it will probably be better than KOTCS, although I enjoyed that movie very much, mostly because it was the first Indy film I ever saw.

Anyway, I hope that JW is able to compose the music of this film, and that the film inspires him to create a unique and brilliant score!

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I don't see it happening, it took them 19 years to settle on a script for the last one, Lucas is a very stubborn man and if he doesn't get his way it won't be made, and this time they can't wait 19 years.

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Yeah.... well. I'm ecstatic (said he, and yawned). Though it could be years before they settle on a script.

BTW, I agree with this sentiment 100%: Though the excuse for making this fifth film is that they all had a blast making the fourth, I hope the true motivating factor is "We're sorry, and we can do better."

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Yeah.... well. I'm ecstatic (said he, and yawned). Though it could be years before they settle on a script.

BTW, I agree with this sentiment 100%: Though the excuse for making this fifth film is that they all had a blast making the fourth, I hope the true motivating factor is "We're sorry, and we can do better."

With Lucas it's that way: "Well, there will always be some who won't like it, so why should we bother...?"

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With Lucas it's that way: "Well, there will always be some who won't like it, so why should we bother...?"

Dunno whether you really mean that or just being facetious, but I'm sure GL also wants to make a movie that satisfies the fans (more or less).

I think he showed that when he brought in Spielberg for RotS.

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With Lucas it's that way: "Well, there will always be some who won't like it, so why should we bother...?"

Dunno whether you really mean that or just being facetious, but I'm sure GL also wants to make a movie that satisfies the fans (more or less).

I think he showed that when he brought in Spielberg for RotS.

I was bloody serious. Despite my immense respect for his (true) achievements, I believe he has lost his understanding of what fans expect and why they don't like his modern flicks. He needs to get out of his own world and come back to touch with the reality.

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I was bloody serious. Despite my immense respect for his (true) achievements, I believe he has lost his understanding of what fans expect and why they don't like his modern flicks. He needs to get out of his own world and come back to touch with the reality.

HAHAHAH. That's a nice way of saying you didn't like the prequels.

After all, Indy 4 is just one movie!

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I was bloody serious. Despite my immense respect for his (true) achievements, I believe he has lost his understanding of what fans expect and why they don't like his modern flicks. He needs to get out of his own world and come back to touch with the reality.

HAHAHAH. That's a nice way of saying you didn't like the prequels.

After all, Indy 4 is just one movie!

I like Episode I. I really do.

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I was bloody serious. Despite my immense respect for his (true) achievements, I believe he has lost his understanding of what fans expect and why they don't like his modern flicks. He needs to get out of his own world and come back to touch with the reality.

HAHAHAH. That's a nice way of saying you didn't like the prequels.

After all, Indy 4 is just one movie!

I like Episode I. I really do.

I like all the prequels.

It's just that I love Episode I and (to a degree) Episode III. :lol:

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I think the plot must be a prequel from CRYSTAL SKULL. Indy's marriage is an ultimate ending for Indiana Jones (LAST CRUSADE has also a superb ending for the trilogy).

They just have to make Ford younger.

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I think the plot must be a prequel from CRYSTAL SKULL. Indy's marriage is an ultimate ending for Indiana Jones (LAST CRUSADE has also a superb ending for the trilogy).

They just have to make Ford younger.

Maybe it's a backstory of Raiders. :lol:

Ford will need LOOOTS of makeup.

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