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VOTE NOW: Tolkien Subforum


Should we have a Tolkien subforum  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would you prefer?

    • I think we should have a Tolkien sub-forum inside General Discussion to contain all these threads.
    • I think Tolkien related threads should stay in General Discussion and we should continue to have unique threads for each different topic of discussion
    • I think Tolkien related threads should stay in General Discussion but we just need to stop starting new threads and instead use existing Tolkien threads for all new areas of discussion

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I agree. For a few weeks in December and january GD will go hog wild on The Hobbit and Tolkien threads. So what? It's not a permanent thing. It will wind down.

But the panic stricken Mods seem to think they need to take dramatic steps to make sure people who are only here for the "What's The Last Film You Watched" thread arent interrupted in their patterns

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I agree. For a few weeks in December and january GD will go hog wild on The Hobbit and Tolkien threads. So what? It's not a permanent thing. It will wind down.

But the panic stricken Mods seem to think they need to take dramatic steps to make sure people who are only here for the "What's The Last Film You Watched" thread arent interrupted in their patterns

Hey I resent that! I am not panic striken!

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I agree. For a few weeks in December and january GD will go hog wild on The Hobbit and Tolkien threads. So what? It's not a permanent thing. It will wind down.

But the panic stricken Mods seem to think they need to take dramatic steps to make sure people who are only here for the "What's The Last Film You Watched" thread arent interrupted in their patterns

Hey I resent that! I am not panic striken!

You're part of the problem then.

Edit: Fine, kill another established subforum then.

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I thought the sole reason for you being here is the Tolkien discussion, gkyver. Wouldn't it be easier for you to navigate the forum this way?


Contrary to others, I'm not too lazy to use my index finger.

Also contrary to others, I don't hold a grudge against topics that became more interesting that the site's namesake.

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If this were a big movies discussion board LotR would definitely have its own subforum by now, along with the other big franchises. But I dunno, maybe the tiny population here just prefers mess and mouse wheel trawling.

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If this were a big movies discussion board LotR would definitely have its own subforum by now, along with the other big franchises. But I dunno, maybe the tiny population here just prefers mess and mouse wheel trawling.

Why you scrawny little toe-rag!

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Having looked at the voting options, my own view would be that short of a subforum the next best thing would be to consolidate all the current LotR/Hobbit movie/books threads and fold them all into a single all encompassing "Middle-Earth Discussion Thread", an easy one-click stop for all that related discussion, as easily linked to in the Forum Express thread.

Then, that would only leave the score discussion side, which again would be consolidated into a second large thread. Easy peasy.

I think Jason has a problem with the issue this creates when everything already existing is suddenly tossed together and out of context, but is it really that much of a deal? We aren't an official archive source of discussion for these movies and scores, so who really cares if a couple pages are a bit messy? Those pages will soon be forgotten and discussion will quickly become structured and cohesive again.

That short-lived mess would be a small price to pay for the excessively large and lasting mess headed General Discussion's way this holiday season.

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No, it's not Jason this time. It was me who mentioned something in the other thread. But, as I said before, the subject stopped interesting me about 30 minutes ago. It's a waste of time. You can move on now.



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It's just untidy.

No grudges involved, sorry.


I see.

Let the cleansing begin. JWfan über alles.

I propose a subforum for superhero threads (I mean, really, how many are there?), a subforum for "What is the last ...", and a subforum for upcoming releases. After all, it strains the eye too much.

And I thought Germans were anal.

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Who cares!

I know you dont.

Dude, if it was up to me I'd go much, much further ;)

Site relaunch; make it less JW centric (he's not going to be around as long as we'd love him to be and what then?) - make it more broadly about film and film music, perhaps have Williams/Spielberg fandom as the central theme overall but don't alienate visitors with it. Whatever it took to broaden the site's appeal and make the forum more accessible to newcomers. It'd be great if there were a large bunch of personalities here, male and female, who were perhaps here because they didn't all love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Not that it's ever gonna happen, but still.

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I like your plan for diversification Quintus. Most (some?) of us were brought together here by a mutual love of John and his music. But the community has taken on a much wider diversity and depth, even just in the brief time that I've been here. There's more than one dimension to JWFans. I suspect the forum will either evolve to reflect that, or die.

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