Orchestrated by Eddie Karam, Conrad Pope
1m3A Gaining Entry
1m19 Broadcast Report
1m21 Hatikva
2m52 Bonding
2m59 Drawing Straws
2m60 Stalking Carl
2m60NEW Stalking Carl
4m116A BA Hotel Room Bomb
R6m157 Greek Hotel
6m173 The Death of Eli
6m202 Finding Carl
7m190 London Rain (Overlay)
7m194 From Bus to Helicopter
7m207 The Death of Jeannette
7m211 Avner Alone and Death of Robert
7m211N Paranoia and Roberts Death
8m216 Explosion and News of Robert
8m220 Meeting with Louis
8m272 End Credit
(Cue list contributed by Dillon Selph)