In Kenya, the advent of M-Pesa, a mobile money service, has transformed various sectors, including online gambling. This change has led to the rise of M-Pesa online casinos which have become a prominent feature of the country's digital entertainment landscape. These casinos provide a platform for players to deposit, wager, and withdraw funds directly from their mobile phones, eliminating the need for traditional banking methods. The simplicity and convenience offered by M-Pesa have attracted a large number of users, thereby stimulating the growth of the online gambling sector in Kenya. Furthermore, M-Pesa's integration with online casinos has fostered financial inclusion by enabling users, including those without access to traditional banking systems, to participate in online gaming. With its emphasis on security, ease, and speed of transactions, M-Pesa continues to contribute significantly to the online casino industry, marking a pivotal shift in how Kenyans engage in online gaming.

‘Williams Reflects on Angela’s Ashes’ (2000)

WILLIAMS REFLECTS ON ‘ANGELA’S ASHES’ MAESTRO CHOOSES A ‘UNIVERSAL APPROACH’ TO AN IRISH STORY By Richard Dyer, Globe Staff The Boston Globe, page D15, January 28th, 2000 John Williams was about to head off to the dentist’s, but he sounded…

HOOK (1991) – Complete Score Analysis (2000)

by JOHN TAKIS (February, 2000) Special thanks to: Shaun Rutheford, Derrik King, Ricard L. Befan, Scott Hanson, Michael Mattesino, Jimmy Spanos, Yiannis Zambelis without whose resources, this article could not have been successfully written. I. INTRODUCTION Steven Spielberg states on…

‘Making Star Wars Sing Again’ (1999)

MAKING ‘STAR WARS’ SING AGAIN In London, Williams puts sound to Lucas’s next adventure By Richard Dyer, Globe Staff, 03/28/99 ——————————————————————————– LONDON – “John Williams communicates so beautifully,” says George Lucas, “that I can make a silent movie.” The Phantom…

‘The Making of The Phantom Menace’ (1999)

THE MAKING OF THE PHANTOM MENACE By Laurent Bouzereau & Jody Duncan Music is an important element in all movies, but especially in films of George Lucas. “When I write the script,” Lucas said, “I hear the film more in…

‘John Williams’ Many Facets’ (1998)

JOHN WILLIAMS’S MANY FACETS BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, John Williams, conductor, at Tanglewood, Saturday evening By Susan Larson, Globe Correspondent The Boston Globe, page C10, July 27th, 1998 LENOX — A concert of entirely 20th-century music is not likely to win…

‘Amistad – Press Release’ (1997)

Amistad Amistad is the 15th collaboration for composer / conductor John Williams and director Steven Spielberg Los Angeles, December 2, 1997: “When you’re working on a big movie like this, you can go for inspiration really what you see on…